
 Today at our school assembly, our counselor talked to the kids.

She thanked them for the unprecedented level of giving in our food drive.  

Day after day kids came in lugging their backpacks laden with canned goods, cleaning products or boxes of cereal.

Most of our families are factory workers.  80% of the world's RVs are said to be manufactured in our county.  And as interest rates increase, the demand for RVs decreases.

Many of our families are getting ready to have four-five weeks of shutdown.  

For many that means smaller or  no paychecks at all.  

And yet....

They opened their hearts and their cupboards to help their neighbors.

Even knowing their own pantries might be limited they gave what they could. 

On the very last day was the coin drive.  Pennies and nickels, quarters and dimes.

Couches were searched, banks emptied and kids came in with baggies and handfuls of coins.  It wasn't much per student but collectively we brought in more than $400 to add perishables to the food boxes.

As she spoke, our counselor taught, "Generous means you give because you want to and expect nothing in return."

Generosity.  It's an attribute we can use to describe Jesus.  

President Bonnie D Parkin promised, "Making covenants is the expression of a willing heart; keeping covenants, the expression of a faithful heart.  Sounds so simple on paper, doesn’t it? Of course, the doing is where we prove who we really are. Thus, every time we reach out with love, patience, kindness, generosity, we honor our covenants by saying, “Here am I; send me.”"

No thought for accolades or rewards.

Just covenant keepers doing good.


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