He Came


When it feels overwhelming---- remember.

When "the lights aren't twinkling, Clark" or maybe yours are still in the box in the attic this year-remember the Christmas star and that it wasn't the Wise Men who put it up there.

When the house can't seem to come together and the pile of to-dos seem endless, remember.  Remember that in the middle of paying taxes Mary went into labor and the Savior was born.  Some of our greatest moments will happen right in the middle of the mundane.  

When the guests aren't coming or we didn't get the invite we were hoping for, remember the Shepherds.  Let the promise that God sent who they needed soothe your lonely heart and help you see those who DO come.  Perhaps they won't be as expected but sometimes a simple conversation at the grocery store, a text from an old friend, a nuzzle from a pet or a deeper appreciation of those you live with or near can bring love reflected from Heaven.

When you feel the frustrating tears of disappointment that there won't be gifts under the tree, your family pictures never got taken, you have had a year you would rather forget rather than share and your shattered heart is aching with loss; remember the Savior of the World.  

He came.

He came in the most humble, simple circumstance imaginable.  

Through bloodlines full of human failure, in a stable with animals milling about, with no festivities or family to love and support, He came.

He came for the ill, the hurt, the broken, the sinner.

He came for the discouraged, the doubting, the confused.

He came for the victims and the assailants. 

He came for the lost, the found and the tired.

He came for me.

And He came for you.  

Remember.  And let His peace wash over you.  


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