

Winter Solstice.  

The shortest day of daylight in the Northern Hemisphere.  

Or the darkest day of the year.  

There is nothing you can do to avoid the sun setting sooner on this day.

Some commemorate the day with a hike, luminaries, or fires- many focusing on the hope of longer days and more light to come.

And later this week we will celebrate the Light of the World coming to offer each of us hope in overcoming our own personal darkness.  

And each of us will have times of darkness- some longer than others.  

That darkness may come from grief, depression, anxiety, loneliness, illness, injustice, confusion, or a variety of other disappointments and disabilities in this life. 

But through His light, Jesus had promised to help us overcome them all.

Mark 13:29 reminds, "For as the light of the morning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west, and covereth the whole earth, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be."

Covering the whole earth.

That includes you, no matter how dark today may seem.  

So tomorrow, even though you are still surrounded by darkness, don't forget that those few minutes of additional light can remind us of the Hope that all things will once again be found in light.

His light. 


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