You Have to DO It


As we were driving to Indianapolis last week, Kyrie and Ella were sitting next to me and commenting on how unorganized my phone apps were.

Some were duplicated and they knew I sometimes had trouble finding things.  

I simply hadn't gotten around to, which means MADE TIME FOR, that organizational process.  

So I handed them my phone and let them get to work.  

They deleted apps I no longer used - like the MyVerizon app because we changed providers four years ago 😬- and renamed my groups.

This they did with a witty, humorous flair.

Health and Fitness became "At Least You Tried". 

Maps became "Probably Gonna Get Lost Anyway".  

I contributed the name for social media as "Fellowshipping".  

We laughed and I thanked them but then as I looked at the groups I paused and thought about how I use my time and specifically how I let my phone dictate my time use.

And I rearranged the groups.  

I moved  "Jesus Stuff" to the first priority.  

I want my life to reflect that He is first.  

I want my choices to show that He is first.

I know it's a change I need to work on. 

Downloading the apps isn't enough.  I have to actually open them and use them.  

James chapter 1:5-6 is a well-known scripture. It's the one in which Joseph Smith found his prompting to pray for answers. 

Verse 22 in the same chapter isn't as easily recognized but contains important truth.

"22 ​But be ye ​​​doers​ of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves."

When we hear the word but don't put it into action, we subconsciously teach ourselves that it didn't actually work.  We deceive  ourselves. 

Sister Rebecca L Craven further explained, "Being a disciple of Jesus Christ involves more than just hoping or believing. It calls for effort, movement, and commitment. It requires that we do something, being “doers of the word, and not hearers only.”"

As I have picked up my phone each day it has reminded me that Jesus comes first and I am more able to fit in what I need to and life feels and looks better.  

Just like us promised. 


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