It's personal


In December, when my birthday came, a dear friend sent me a gorgeous bouquet of tulips.

She knew that tulips are not only my favorite flower, but have exceptional meaning to me.

And that the gift not only made me smile for days, but reminded me just how well she knows and loves me.

Personalized gifts are like that.  

They can elevate, uplift, soothe and bring joy. 

Any parent who has ever sacrificed to give a special gift understands that. 

Matthew 7:11 reads, "If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?"

Why?  Because we are loved and known personally.  

More than we can truly fathom.  

But when we make the effort to see the touch of the divine in our lives, we will begin to see evidence of that personal love.

Evidence like tulips on a winter day. 


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