
My daughter shared this from her mission Thai week:

Something spiritual that happened this week was with our friend Francisco. We had been explaining God's plan and the purpose of life, and where we go after death, and Francisco asked where bad people that try to follow Christ go. We explained if you're trying to follow Christ, you aren't a bad person, and asked if he had the desire to be baptized so he could become clean of his sins. He started crying and said yes, and didn't know that it was possible to repent, and if was a super beautiful moment. I'm really grateful for the chance I have to invite others to come unto Christ, and I know that Jesus Christ is our savior and through Him, we can all be saved.


It's not a punishment.  

It's a beautiful gift.  

A process that restores our connection with Heaven, paid for by Jesus Christ.  

It's about hope.

It's about redemption.

It's about love.  

And sometimes I need to be reminded of that.


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