

Zacharias and Elisabeth were righteous waiters.  

Not that they worked in hospitality, but that they literally waited for their prayers to be answered for decades.

They wanted a child.

But while they waited they kept all the commandments.  And kept their covenants. And served in the temple. 

In Luke 1:6 it reads, "And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless."

They were BOTH righteous - working on it together.

I don't think that it means they were perfect.  In fact the Latin root word for blame comes from "blaspheme” (“to speak in a disrespectful way about God or other things considered sacred”).

They didn't put a time table on sacred promises and blessings.  

They didn't abandon God or give up on themselves.  

Even when they had consequences- like Zacharias being dumb after doubting God's ability to fulfill- they still kept the faith. 

And like happens so often,  their was a greater purpose.  Mary needed Elisabeth at this appointed time.  

And their son, John the Baptist had a sacred commission to fulfill.  

I am a TERRIBLE waiter.  

So God keeps giving me practice.  

So much practice!

But I take great peace in knowing that all will be made right if I can just keep on trusting the Lord and the divine plan He has shown us. 


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