

The woman with the issue of the blood.

Scriptural accounts are not clear exactly what the issue was.  

But we know bleeding left her unclean according to Mosaic law.

And therefore outcast.

She had been seeking for answers and exhausted her financial reserves.

And as anyone knows who has fought a chronic illness (in this case going on for 12 years) there is an incredible emotional exhaustion involved as well.

Hope risen and dashed, time and time again.

Sitting on the sidelines while it appears everyone else gets to more fully participate. 

Praying over and over again that this time it will end differently. 

And yet she believed.  

She  makes a plan and acts in faith.  

She didn't just sit and pray.

She went to Jesus and found her way through the crowd and touched his hem.

Jesus feels the loss as the transfer of energy in healing takes place. 

But then in His words we find profound truths.

Mark 22: But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee ​​​whole​.


She was known.  


And loved.

"Be of good comfort".

Not the fake or only temporary kind of comfort that can be found in the numbing vices and quick fixes of the world. 

But as only the Savior, who truly understands because of his suffering for us, can provide.  

The kind that can fill all our cracks and empty places and soften and protect our wounded souls.

"Thy faith hath made thee whole". 

If you believe in me, together we can be complete.  

No matter what the issue is.

Sometimes that will include physical healing now.  

And sometimes that won't happen until later times or even in the next life.  

But it will happen.

And while we wait we will be comforted.

Because we are loved.

We are daughters (and sons) of God.  

And if all our faith can do is cause us to reach out a hand, it will be enough.  

This was our lesson this morning at seminary.

And as I taught of that glorious healing, this was the sunrise out the window above my table.

Simply glorious.  


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