You Are Loved


My good friend shared this story about her teacher mom and her 1st grade class.

"Last week, the 1st graders at Byron Elementary had an assignment to write a letter to a sports figure for March is Reading Month.  The theme this year is "March Madness," and Mrs. Bartlett's 1st graders decided to write to Michigan State Head Basketball Coach Tom Izzo with a challenge. 💌

The class said that each time Michigan State wins a game in the basketball tournament, they will read not 20 minutes a night, but 40 minutes.  📚

This week, the students were thrilled when they heard back from the Michigan State Men's Basketball Team, and even got a picture of Mr. Izzo reading their letter. 📝

The team said they hope the students will be reading 40 minutes many times during the tournament, and thanked them for their encouraging words.  🏀

The advice the 1st graders offered the team was to "try your best, be brave, and remember that you are loved whether you win or lose".  🥰"

What a profound and beautiful message! 

And so true.

President Margaret D Nadauld testified, "You too are loved by the Lord, just as were the disciples of old. You are loved more than you will ever know. He wants you to be successful in your life’s mission! You don’t have to face the experiences of this life alone, nor have you been sent here to fail."

You are loved whether today's "game" felt like a win or loss.  

Just keep trying.  


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