A Component of Faith

 Sunday we walked with friends through a nearby retreat which had the Stations of the Resurrection set up.  

The woods around us were bursting with fresh life announcing Speing was here to stay.  The sun was warm and it was a beautiful setting to contemplate the feelings and testimonies of those who encountered the resurrected Savior.

Nearly all needed some additional recognition to counter their mortal doubts.

Thomas needed to physically touch his wounds for the assurance.  And with the artwork and thinking prompt was this reminder.  

Scripture teaches us that to some it is given to know Jesus is the Christ through testimony of the Holy Spirit (D&C 46:13). 

But if we stop at that verse and don't find that personal testimony coming as we might have expected or hoped, it can lead us to amplify our doubts and step further from the Lord, rather than closer.

If we continue reading we will find that verse 14 expresses the additional truth that to others it is given to believe on the words and testimonies of others.  

That IS what testimony can be made of.  Faith means trusting the parts we do know and see and letting that fill in the cracks while we wait for more knowledge and confirmation.

President David O McKay, further elaborated, "Note that. They believe upon the words of others that they may also receive salvation if they continue faithful. For all these, however, there comes a testimony also of daily experience. The members of the Church throughout the world find confirmation of their testimony in every performance of duty. They know that the gospel teaches them to be better individuals, that obedience to the principles of the gospel makes them stronger men and truer women."

Their daily actions and steps of obedience to gospel principles even without complete understanding, while knowing it may be different that what society teaches, IS them stepping toward the Lord. 

Their acknowledgement  of the Lord in their daily lives, despite doubts, and their love of Heavenly Parents and others IS their touching of the scars.  Slowly but surely that personal testimony will become stronger.  

They will understand that if the knowledge was sure, it wouldn't be faith.  Doubts aren't the opposite of faith, but a component.


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