
 Today as I was sitting in sacrament meeting, I was reminded of someone who impressed me when I was a teen.

My dad was serving in the high council, which meant he traveled to speak in different congregations on Sundays.  He asked me to be his speaking partner which I agreed to do as long as I could also stay for youth classes and see my friends. 

As a part of that I had the opportunity to visit one specific ward multiple times.  

And every time we went, my friend's grandmother would be sitting on the second row

looking up with a genuine smile of engagement the entire time.

I remember sitting on the stand next to my dad  and thinking that there was something special about her.  That she would always stay engaged and smiling no matter the message. It never looked fake or forced.  Just like she was happy to be there.

And whenever I felt nervous I could look to her and smile and relax.  

When stake conference came I immediately scanned the crowd, and there she was smiling.  

My friend said it was an attitude that her grandmother had intentionally chosen and worked hard at as a way to honor those who were prepared to share but also to make sure she never missed an opportunity for the Spirit to testify, teach or warn her.  

Today as I thought of her I realized my mind was wandering.  So I smiled at the speaker and listened more intently.  

And sure enough, a phrase in the talk gave me a new perspective to consider.  

How thankful I am for the many good examples who have influenced my life in both big and small ways.


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