Dutch Tulips

 Years ago my husband was traveling to Europe for a wedding and had a lengthy layover in Amsterdam.  

Knowing that tulips are my favorite flower he carefully selected a package of bulbs to bring home for me to plant.  

I was very excited and touched when he brought me those Dutch tulips. 

But then as we went to plant them, he noticed in small print on the package:

Packaged in France.

He was so disappointed and mad! 

Isn't life frequently like that?

We try to align things so they will work well, only to be met with unexpected disappointment or frustration.  

It happens to us all. 

President Thomas S Monson taught, "We can lift ourselves, and others as well, when we refuse to remain in the realm of negative thought and cultivate within our hearts an attitude of gratitude."

The choice is ours.

We can choose to be mad that the tulips aren't from Holland, or we can appreciate the beauty (and with time, the humor) of French tulips.


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