Maundy Thursday


Maundy Thursday.

The disciples gather, as they had many times.  

But this time it's different.  

I wonder if they felt it.  Did they fully understand this would be the last time? As Jesus broke the bread and passed the wine establishing the new covenant, the communion or sacrament, did they try to soak in that last time together? I wonder if they later wished they had.

And then, after dinner, Jesus took off his outer robe.

And is now dressed as a servant.

Then, with a basin of water and a towel he washes the feet of each person at the table. 

Dusty, dirty, tired calloused feet.  

And he washes them all.

Those with more faith and those with less.

He even washes the feet of Judas, his betrayer.  

Because when he says he came for all that's what he meant. 


Even you.  And even me.  

Maudy literally means new commandment.

And then Jesus taught that new commandment.  Love one another as I have loved you.

We are called to live by Jesus' example.

To humbly serve all.  

To love one another.

To come unto Him where he beckons and awaits.  


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