On Stonings

 When is the last time you participated in a stoning?

It's a powerful question. 

In John 8 we read of a woman who had been caught in the act of adultery.  

I hate that part of the story.  Because where is her partner in crime?  If she was caught in the act, who are the cowards who only dragged her out and not the man as well? 

But fortunately this story isn't about the sin.

But rather the sinners.  All of them.  The woman, and all those gathered in the square to stone her.  

What a barbaric and terrible practice that really comes down to people hefting rocks at others for their visible sins in the hopes that their own sins won't be noticed.

Jesus replies to let those without sin cast the first stone.  

And one by one the people walk away until he asks her where her accusers are.  

Then he tells her to go her way and sin no more.  He doesn't accuse her.  He doesn't need to.  He already knew all he needed to.  

He offers mercy and promise in the days to come.  By walking a higher and holier way.  

So let's ask that question again.  

When is the last time you participated in a stoning?

Perhaps verbally,  or online?

Stoning might look  like gossip, complaining, amplifying flaws and faults, taking advantage of another's weaknesses, cruelty, meanness and grudge holding.  

Stoning might sound like:

"But they deserve it"

"I really shouldn't tell you but...."

"It's not cheating if they are too stupid to catch it"

"She's such an easy target"

"I will never forgive"

Name calling

Elder Renlund told us to be stone catchers. And help lower the damage inflicted on those who are generally most defenseless.

When we do we will change lives, including our own. 

President Nelson just taught us to be peacemakers and gave us a long list of things NOT to do but only one thing TO do.  

Be compassionate.  

But I believe Jesus' message would also be to the stone throwers and to us.  

"Neither do I accuse you.  Go and sin no more."

Put down your rocks.  And just look at the good your hands can do.  

I hope that the next time I'm asked when I last participated in a stoning I can say that I don't remember.  I've been too busy loving and following Christ.


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