
 We were in Memphis, visiting my sister who had a new baby.  

In the midst of the busy Easter weekend, we made a Target run and had the Easter loot ready.  

I had the brilliant idea to just leave it in the car overnight so the kids wouldn't see it.

While I recognized it was going to be warm enough to wear our short sleeved dresses to church, I failed to calculate the corresponding temperature rise in the vehicle.

So I had a very disappointed daughter who got a chocolate blob.  

We still laugh about this but she REALLY felt like we had failed as parents.

And I'm not going to lie.  

We have failed.  So many times.

But we keep going. 

I loved Elder Uchtdorf's talk about parenting this weekend and how he said there may be things which we wish were different but we can start now and turn to Christ for help. 

"With God’s help, you can learn to know your children in a pure and heavenly way. I invite you to accept God’s offer to guide your family by personal revelation. Seek His guidance in your prayers."

Sometimes I feel a bit like that misshapen bunny myself and sometimes, in my shortsightedness and human weakness, I can see my kids as the same. I fail to see the divinity in them and respond appropriately. 

I make mistakes daily.  

Some big, some small.

But I apologize and I keep trying.  

And fortunately the strength of Christ helps me do better and truly enjoy the sweetness of being their mom, even with all my drippy edges.


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