Showing Up Matters


Standing in line to enter my son's college graduation convocation, the conversation directly behind me caught my attention. 

"Hey man, what are you doing here?"

"J invited me.  To be honest it feels super weird."


"I don't even know him that well, and everyone here is family and close friends.  But I got the feeling that he maybe didn't have anyone to invite."

Compassion for a stranger I would never meet flooded my heart and mind.

No one? 

"I don't know.  Maybe I should just leave."

"Up to you man."

Before I even realized it I had turned around.

"No!"  I pleaded.  "Stay.  Showing up for people matters.  It can be life changing for some.  And for you."

"Really?" This young man, stepping out of his comfort zone, looked me in the eye.  

I nodded.  "Always show up when you can. It will make a difference.  You might always know how, but it will."

His eyes filled with tears and I had the distinct impression this kid had been there himself.  He gave me a quick nod and a heartfelt "thank you" and then I turned around and waved to my husband who had come back from parking the car. 

Sister Sharon Eubank wisely counseled, "It’s hard to get the lights back on by yourself. We need friends. We need each other. Just like the temple facilities staff, we can help each other by showing up in person, recharging our spiritual batteries, repairing what went wrong.

Our individual light may be like only one light bulb on a tree. But we still shine our small light, and all together, like Temple Square at Christmastime, we attract millions of people to the house of the Lord. Best of all, as President Nelson has encouraged, we can bring the Savior’s light to ourselves and the people important to us by the simple act of keeping our covenants. In a variety of ways, the Lord rewards that faithful act with power and with joy."

Showing up matters. 


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