

It's a word mentioned more than 120 times in the scriptures.

And not just mentioned, but taught as a principle with attached blessings. 

Instant gratification is not the way of God.

It is a false teaching of the world.

And we so easily fall prey to it.

"You deserve it.  Why wait?  FOMO.  YOLO."

What they fail to mention is that many of the true blessings and much of the true joy (and true sorrow) are in the process of life.

Instant downloads.  Easy access to credit.  The appearance that everyone else has it all together. Filters to hide the flaws.  Instant gratification for every desire imagined if you just have enough cash. 

And so we pray.

"Heal me now.  Give me the job.  Change my body. Make me perfect today! Change my spouse.  Where is my answer?"

And then we falsely make the wrong conclusions.  

God isn't there or doesn't care. 

When in fact his pattern teaches us to wait.  

To pause.  

To try.  

To step forward in faith.  

To look forward and prepare for the blessings that will come.

Today is Easter Saturday.  

A day of waiting.  Jesus was gone.  Hope seemed lost.  Though most at his death, didn't really understand what they were waiting for.  

The glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ.  To overcome sin and death.

But we do know! That he rose.  That He will come again. 

And that He lives.  

So maybe this Easter my prayers need to change a bit. 

Because I need him.  Every hour of every day.  

But on this Saturday in my life, I can say, "Lord help me wait." No matter how dark it feels.  

And prepare for the glorious sunrise to come.  

The coming of my Savior, Jesus Christ.


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