Families That Love and Serve

 I read this phrase in the description plate near this sculpture by Avard Fairbanks which was originally on display at the Chicago World's Fair in 1933-34.

"Families that love and serve one another are a blessing to themselves and everyone around them."

It has been playing again and again in my mind and I realized that not only do I believe this, but it's something I need to continually focus on.

It has to be intentional.

It won't be perfect.

But if loving and serving is the pattern we want, focusing on the principles taught by Jesus Christ make it most likely to come about.  

I remember a Family Home Evening where we tried to make this more intentional years ago.  I bought some candy bars and during the lesson each person drew another's name and had the task of choosing the candy that person   would most like. We watched the dilemma on some faces as they had to determine not only what their sibling liked best, but what to do if it conflicted with their own favorite.   

It was a defining moment for us.

A subtle shift in our parenting efforts.

And while I can of course think of many, many times our family hasn't lived this ideally, I can also think of times they have.

Older siblings helping with homework on FaceTime.

Everybody pitching in to get a yard ready for a wedding reception.

Siblings driving 2.5 hrs to help younger ones get ready for a Prom.

And everybody laughing, forgiving and being each other's champion. 

And focusing on and building on those successes,  instead of feeding on the hurt and resentment of our failures brings blessings to us and those around us.  

And helps us to keep on going.


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