Friday at school, I had a student come into my room with excitement in his voice. He is a student who has some reading struggles I have been helping him with. His low confidence has led to disengagement in the classroom for years. We are trying to change that. He burst through the door and exclaimed, “Mrs. Potter! Did you know that when the teachers are talking they actually give the answers to the next test!??” I bit my lip to keep back a smile at his discovery of what we assume is obvious to all. “You are right! How have you been studying in the past?” “I just google everything, but it makes it really hard.” So true. My young friend had figured out a piece of the bigger picture of education. We aren’t hiding the answers. We are trying to help them become part of their knowledge set and thinking process. Our Heavenly Father also doesn’t hide the answers from us. They are in the scriptures. From t...
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