
 We are at a family reunion this week.  

At the beach.

It was interesting to hear different perspectives on the beach.  

Some said it's too sandy, too hot, too salty, too rough.

Others we could hardly pull out of the surf, even for meals. 


There was a lot of laughter and shrieks of joy.  

A few cries of fear as waves swept with more force than anticipated.

I walked along the shoreline with the salty foam licking my ankles and the warm sand sliding under my toes.  My camera was in hand and I was capturing moments that caught my attention.  

And suddenly I saw my six-year-old niece, Sarah, skip excitedly into the surf.  

She simply radiated with joy.  

She was completely absorbed in the moment and using all of her senses to fully experience  it.

She wasn't worried about the flight delays and cancellations, what will happen tomorrow or what anyone thought. 

She simply relished this precious moment on the beach.  And I got to be in that moment with her.  

Truly, life is beautiful.

Not perfect.  But beautiful.  

As Elder Richard G Scott challenged, 

"Do you take time to discover each day how beautiful your life can be? How long has it been since you watched the sun set? The departing rays kissing the clouds, trees, hills, and lowlands good night, sometimes tranquilly, sometimes with exuberant bursts of color and form. What of the wonder of a cloudless night when the Lord unveils the marvels of His heavens—the twinkling stars, the moonlight rays—to ignite our imagination with His greatness and glory? How captivating to watch a seed planted in fertile soil germinate, gather strength, and send forth a tiny, seemingly insignificant sprout. Patiently it begins to grow and develop its own character led by the genetic code the Lord has provided to guide its development. With care it surely will become what it is destined to be: a lily, crowned with grace and beauty; a fragrant spearmint plant; a peach; an avocado; or a beautiful blossom with unique delicacy, hue, and fragrance. When last did you observe a tiny rosebud form? Each day it develops new and impressive character, more promise of beauty until it becomes a majestic rose. You are one of the noblest of God’s creations. His intent is that your life be gloriously beautiful regardless of your circumstances. As you are grateful and obedient, you can become all that God intends you to be."

Truly life is beautiful.  So go find the moments of joy and savor them! 


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