The choice is yours

 I walked into work with a smile. 

Seminary was a great start to the day.

Dinner was in the crockpot at home.  

My work emails were almost caught up and I had a bit of a bounce to my step.

It was only 7:34 and I was getting into the rhythm.

Then the loud speaker came on.

"Photographers are ready for picture day for all staff members right now in the auditorium."

And I froze in a bit of horror.

For the first time in 11 years I forgot.

And today I was wearing a tee shirt, with my hair pulled back and no makeup.

And lets be honest that's a truer picture of me- but NOT ON PICTURE DAY!

Not for all my staff IDs and school media. 😔

I felt foolish and a bit embarassed as I lined up next to my coworkers in their professional best.  Much like I wore YESTERDAY.

And suddenly it felt like it was going to be a terrible day.  

A heatwave, no a/c in the truck, infusion, miss my old friends, why can't I do anything right kind  of day.

And then I looked up and saw this sign in the front hall.  

"Make it a great day or not.  The choice is yours!"

And scripture flooded my mind.  

"Choose ye this day whom you will serve"

"Nevertheless thou mayest choose for thyself"

And 2 Nephi 10:23.  "Therefore, cheer up your hearts, and remember that ye are free to act for yourselves—to choose the way of everlasting death or the way of eternal life."

Was I really going to let the fear of other's perception ruin my day? A day that moments before felt like it would be great??!

It was up to me.

So I said a quick prayer.

And I stepped onto the stage with a big smile.  

I don't mess everything up.

I forgot which outfit to wear. 

That's it.

And today is going to be great, ironically in my tee shirt that says "You can do hard things".

Make it a great day or not.  The choice is yours!


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