The Good We Do


Last week we had our 7th grade open house for the Junior High where I just started working.

I was a bit nervous in a new role and place but this class of 7th graders happens to be a class I was a preschool teacher to.  So out of the hundreds of students, 34 were in my room for a year and my heart forever.

It was with sheer joy that I saw those beautiful 4-year old eyes now showing their own fear and trepidation in bigger bodies with the curves of young women and the facial hair of young men.  

I was greeted with hugs and high fives - my own tender mercy.  Relationships matter!

Most children remembered me, a few didn't - but every parent did.

And then one young lady approached with her Mom and mom's eyes found mine.

She lit up with a smile and brought her daughter over.  

"Gabbi"  didn't remember me.  But her mama did.  And I thought back to the extra hug this little one needed each day.  That she needed me to hold her hand BEFORE she got out of the car and all the way to the classroom.  And that she progressed from shy whispers to loud giggles and engagement over the year.  

And then....

And then mom said, "Gabbi", this is the lady who gave you that blanket you still sleep with every night."

And tears filled my eyes.  

My sweet friend Anita would lovingly make beautiful soft fleece blankets for each of my kiddos at Christmas each year.  And I would share that love from her.  

This girl was one who was very excited to have her very own blanket and wrapped it around herself in quiet joy.  

Anita didn't know if those kids would hold on to them as a treasure but here at this moment was that truth. 

Anita's love in the form of a blanket, and mine in the form of a reassuring hand to hold mattered.  

Even if we didn't see the results.

Speaking to the Relief Society about their many good offerings, President Gordon B Hinckley challenged us to keep doing good with this reminder and promise. 

"....You may never know how much good you accomplish. Someone’s life will be blessed by your effort. May you know the comforting, rewarding embrace of the Holy Spirit."

Follow promptings.  Do good.  You may never know how much good you accomplish. 

But every once in awhile, you might catch a glimpse.


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