Kids need their dads


It was a simple 4 word sermon.

Given by a sobbing 12 year old boy sitting in the NEST with me.

"Kids need their dads."

And it has echoed over and over again in my mind as I try to help these struggling spirits.

Elder Jeffrey R Holland posed this question, "As a father, I wonder if I and all other fathers could do more to build a sweeter, stronger relationship with our sons and daughters here on earth. Dads, is it too bold to hope that our children might have some small portion of the feeling for us that the Divine Son felt for His Father? Might we earn more of that love by trying to be more of what God was to His child? In any case, we do know that a young person’s developing concept of God centers on characteristics observed in that child’s earthly parents."

He continues in the same sermon, "Why are we not surprised that when 2,000 children of all ages and backgrounds were asked what they appreciated most about their fathers, they answered universally, “He spends time with me”?

We can support and increase the impact and effectiveness of fathers in so many ways, no matter our role. 

And it's not just something that would be nice.

It's something that we must do.  

Because kids need their dads. 

(Note: this photo is NOT the child from the story).


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