Cleaning Up


For 24 consecutive hours, youth around the world gathered to bear testimony of Jesus Christ.  

Each group gathered at 7:00 in their own time zone. 

I was blessed to be in attendance with Ella and her friends at hers.

It was a beautiful experience to hear them each share from their hearts.  And as always,  I learned from them. 

One of the youth stood and reminded us all “you don’t get cleaned up to take a shower; you take a shower to get cleaned up.”

He compared it to how we go to the Savior as we are and work on becoming better and cleaner with his help through repentance and the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  

The simplicity and faith these young people have was heartwarming and inspiring.  And the thought of it being magnified all over the world was incomprehensible. 

Kind of like the love Jesus Christ has for each and every one of us.


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