Do the Part You Can


37 overdue assignments.

The young man was feeling overwhelmed and was lacking motivation.  

He didn’t know where to start so he was acting up in class.

The assistant principal had assigned him to spend a day with me to see what we could do to get him back on track.  

He showed me his most current math assignment and said he had no idea how to complete it.

“Hold on.  Let’s go back and do the parts you CAN.  The parts you know how to do.”

It turned out he could do 18 of the 20 problems but was getting hung up when he encountered one he was unsure of.

Soon his confidence began to build and by the end of the day he had only 17 assignments remaining.  

“Do the part you CAN.  The part you DO know.”!

Philippians 4:9 reads “Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.”

The part you HAVE learned and received and heard and seen modeled by the apostle, DO.  

A powerful one word sermon.  


But do the part YE (you) have learned, received, heard and seen modeled.

Not what everyone else has learned.  The part you have.  He will meet you there. 

Don’t let what you don’t know yet stop you from doing the part you do.



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