
 Tonight as I was reading and studying I came across this incredibly timely message by President A Theodore Tuttle and this particular quote seemed to be calling out to me to take notice.

“Our lives are ruled by a schedule and appointments while the Christian acts of kindness wait—ofttimes in vain.

Our most flagrant violations, perhaps, occur in our own homes. We chase worldly pleasures and neglect our own innocent children. When did you tell stories to your children? Or go fishing or hunting with your son? Or help him earn a merit badge? Have you counseled with them concerning their personal achievement program?

The trials through which today’s young people are passing—ease and luxury—may be the most severe test of any age. Brothers and sisters, stay close to your own! Guide them safely! These are perilous times. Give increased attention. Give increased effort.”

I am guilty of this.  

I’m not feeling shamed, but I am feeling a call to action.

Or as another friend phrased it, “I feel chastened and rightfully so.”

I will put my phone down more. And remember that no matter how much good I’m doing on my phone, my children  just see a phone taking precedence.  

I will include them in the good I do.

And I will prayerfully find ways to put the Christian acts of kindness back at the top of my schedule or figure out what to eliminate to allow it.  

I will recognize that often times kindness is demonstrated BY arranging my schedule to show my priorities are the people in front of me. 

And you know what? The beauty of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is those same acts of kindness when done with the guidance of the Spirit will fill and strengthen me as well.


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