

It’s Monday and in my EL class that means we are sitting on the floor and passing the microphone for speaking practice.

Today’s prompt: I am thankful for ___________ because ______________.

I gave them time to think and shared some examples.  

The kids started out with their usual answers. 

“I don’t know.”

I repeated the prompt in both Spanish and English and told them we would take as much time as we needed.  

The first student took eight minutes of silence.  It’s a comfortable silence we are used to in our classroom.  Time to plan out the words and practice mentally.  To translate as needed.  To summon up courage.

The next took only five and by the end they were moving fairly quickly.

Phones, friends, their beds to sleep in.  

Pets, video games and favorite snacks.

Then they went back to their seats and began to write their answers.

They needed to write down three things they were thankful for and tell me why.  It was an exercise in English grammar.

This time they worked steadily and with purpose.

And came up with these:

“I’m thankful for my mom because she gave me life.”

“I’m thankful for God because He gives me all my opportunities.”

“I’m thankful for water so I don’t die.”

“I’m thankful for God because He created my friends, my family and my own life.”

“I’m thankful for food so I don’t go to bed with my stomach hurting.”

“I’m thankful for courage to do hard things.”

And me? I’m thankful for these kids and the value of taking time to truly reflect and to teach me.  

As President Bonnie D Parkin reminded, “Gratitude is a Spirit-filled principle. It opens our minds to a universe permeated with the richness of a living God.”

And I see that richness every day when I pause long enough to appreciate it. 


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