
 Giving gifts is such a part of Christmas I hadn’t really given its origin much thought.  A little internet research suggests that the giving of gifts came from gift giving rituals of earlier pagan celebrations.  The practice was then integrated with Christmas by Christians by alligning it with the giving of gifts to the Christ child by the wise men.

Yet the comparison I most often make is to the greatest gift ever given- the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  

I love serving and giving to others, but this week I received one of the best gifts I have ever gotten.

I’ve been trying to save for a new camera for several years.  My old one still mostly works but has some damage from when I fell while taking pictures at one of Alex’s cross country meets.

So I saved… and then bought shoes for kids.

And saved…and covered car repairs.

And saved…and bought a water softener.  

And saved…and paid for medical bills. 

And saved….and then bought insulin for Alex’s dog.

All normal parent real life stuff.  And I’ve been thankful for those savings every time - even if I complained a little.  😜

Yesterday was my birthday and last night with kids on FaceTime I opened a collective gift from them all.

A new camera!  I was completely blown away and couldn’t believe it.  

And I know this literally represents sharing out of college savings, hours of athletic training coverage, Door Dashing, ornament painting, babysitting, time at work and so, so much love.  

And I’m the luckiest mom in the world.  ❤️

But what made this gift so special?

They knew me.  They knew what was important to me.  They knew how I had tried and failed.  And they loved me.

Likewise Jesus Christ gave His life for you.  He knows you.  He knows what is important to you.  He knows how you have tried and failed.  And He loves you- more than you can even imagine. 

Elder Gerald Causse echoed this when he preached, “On this special day, I bear witness that the wonders and marvels of the gospel are anchored in the greatest of all of God’s gifts—the Savior’s Atonement. This is the perfect gift of love that the Father and the Son, united in purpose, have offered to each one of us. With you, “I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me. … Oh, it is wonderful, wonderful to me!”


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