One in Christ

 Yesterday as I sat at our Christmas Eve service I was struck by the beauty of the togetherness. 

The man in front of me spoke only Haitian Creole.

The family behind me, only Spanish.

The Sacrament prayers and scriptures were carefully read some in Spanish, some in English.

There were those who come often, and those pausing at the doors with trepidation but then sighing in relief when welcomed by hugs or finding their seats but looking around as if trying to find their place.

There were those I knew who were missing loved ones separated by miles, struggles or the veil of mortality. And those with broad smiles as their rows were once again filled by out of town children come home for the holidays. 

There were those in heels and shimmering finery and those in jeans and sweatshirts.

All come to worship the Babe of Bethlehem.

And as the music played on harp and piano, organ, flute, cello, French horn and English horn and in many beautiful voices; the angelic language of music united us all. 

As my own daughter carefully touched the strings of her harp, and the AC kicked on blowing her music from the stand, another sister crawled over and put it back allowing her to discreetly continue “Oh Come, Oh Come Emmanuel.”

And each time we stood together, all three wards as one in Christ in our community, I was moved to tears.   By the young man new to our country, but who felt something - enough to come back and feel it again.  And as our imperfect voices joined together in varying accents, abilities and ages- these scriptural words came to mind.

“…behold, all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people shall dwell safely in the Holy One of Israel if it so be that they will repent.”

All together.

One in Christ.

Merry Christmas!


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