Rough Roads

 Sometimes we learn a lot from shared cultures.  

A family in our ward sent this card to my husband this week after he was called as our new Bishop at church. 

A bit of humor, but also a wonderful sentiment.

D&C 82:3 teaches, “For of him unto whom much is given much is required.”  

We have been richly blessed and are happy to serve in return.  

I also believe the flip is true.  “Where much is required much is given” - not in material wealth or lack of trials, but in strength and peace and love.  But as it says in the card we have to stay on the road.  

The road may seem rough 

But keep on the right path, 

And you will be blessed 

With all the Father hath. 

A beautiful truth that applies to each and every one of us.

And how sweet to get a card with the simple words “we sustain and support you.”❤️


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