

It’s the end of the semester so I’ve spent lots of extra time with students desperately trying to complete missing assignments and submit corrections in an effort to shore up their grades.

One student came in having completed NONE of her algebra homework in the last nine weeks.

She listened in class and got passing scores on most tests, and only bombed one.  

As we worked through the third of nine packets she needed to complete,  she suddenly sat up tall and exclaimed, “Mrs. Potter- this is the same stuff we did on our tests! But it sure would have been helpful if I did it BEFORE the test!!”

I suppressed an eye roll and smiled.  

How many times had I said that to her??!!

It made me think about scripture study and how there have been times I’ve learned something and thought, “Wow.  That would have been helpful!”  

The scriptures aren’t designed for us to use to pass some great knowledge test upon our death.  

They are to help guide us along the way.

But we have to do the reading and studying.

President Henry B. Eyring once asked President Harold B. Lee, “How do I get revelation?” President Lee responded, “If you want to get revelation, do your homework.

We have to put it into practice, even though we make mistakes.  We will get better as we go.  

But we have to do the homework. 


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