That Hug


My daughter, Alex, returned home from her mission today. 

I stayed busy today, working hard on translations, algebra problems, helping with a STEM car, giving pep talks and encouraging students, which allowed the time to go quickly.

But all day I also kept thinking about how as much as I longed to see my daughter and hold her in my arms, that it pales tremendously compared to the love that Heavenly Father has for me. 

How He must long for us each to return to his arms and to be able to say “Well done my good and faithful servant.”

On the way we got a flat tire- but were fortunate to be across from a tire store and the kind gentleman inside quickly got us in and out in less than 20 minutes when he heard our situation.  

Then there was a car engulfed in flames stopping traffic on the bypass.  I was grateful no one was injured and took to texting friends that it was okay- after all we have certainly waited for hundreds of hours for Alex in her lifetime.

My friend who joined us at the airport called, concerned she had the ring time.

No, we were just having a regular old Potter style day.  I was so glad she was there waiting. 

When we finally arrived, Alex’s plane had been on the ground for almost ten minutes.  George pulled up to the door and Ella and I jumped out and ran inside- in a sort of dejavú moment from when I sprinted in to try and beat Colton’s homecoming flight.

But then Hermana Potter walked through the gates .   My Alex was home.  And that hug was everything and more.  

That is the kind of hug and welcome I want when I get to the other side.  

The kind of love and welcome that will be waiting from those I love who have gone before.  

And the kind of love and hug that will make every sacrifice seem insignificant in comparison.  

President Thomas S Monson promised, “May I leave with you today a simple yet far-reaching formula to guide you in the choices of life:

Fill your minds with truth.

Fill your hearts with love.

Fill your lives with service.

By doing so, may we one day hear the plaudit from our Lord and Savior, “Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.”


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