

We drove 4 hrs each way to attend a funeral last week.

And over and over again we heard the same comment.

“I can’t believe you made the trip.”

“You drove such a long way.”

“That’s so far!”

But is it? 

The Savior walked for hours to find those who needed him.

And what if it was a sports tournament for our traveling athletes? 

Or a long-awaited concert?

Or a vacation? 

Is that really more important than showing up in love and support for people?

It’s one day.  

It’s the cost of one family trip to the movies.

Did we not covenant to mourn with those who mourn? To lift those who are in need of lifting? 

Now there are certainly times we COULDN’T make the trip.  And phone calls, flowers, cards, and tears and prayers have had to suffice.  

And I am blessed to have been able to see this act as a means of saying thank you.

Thank you for feeding us. 

Thank you for laughing with us.

Thank you for rejoicing with us.

Thank you for crying with us.

Thank you for forgiving us.

Thank you for loving us.

Make the trip.  

You won’t regret it.


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