Listen for the Love


General - “relating to all”

Conference-  “coming together and talk”

What a great blessing it is to have the opportunity to listen and learn from inspired leaders.

Some years the house is sparkling and a nice spread of treats, sandwiches and fresh baked cinnamon rolls grace the table. Special pages are printed and journals are ready to be filled.  Friends and family gather.

And some years it feels like I am less prepared.  Because I truly am.  

This year I managed a quick shower and a run to the grocery store and our spread is some clearance Easter candy and a bowl of skittles.  

And our “gathering” is a series of texts in the family group chat to share impressions.

And that’s okay.  

The messages of General Conference are written upon our hearts and minds.

Subtle phrases that bring unique impressions to each of us, reminding us of our worth, inviting us to take nest steps, and empowering us to align with Jesus Christ. 

President David O McKay taught that one of the purposes of General Conference is to inspire.  

I recall one particular year when at the conclusion I looked at my notes and saw only a laundry list of ways I was failing and falling short. Rather than feeling inspired, I felt crushingly defeated. 

And someone kindly pointed out that the task of addressing the world was a huge one.  And that perhaps I should listen for the things I AM doing well and one next step. And not worrying about every word as if it’s a criticism. 

That advice really helped me to overcome some of my perfectionist traits.  And to listen for the love.  

The ways I am loved. The ways others are loved. The loving advice to help me grow and answer my questions.  And even the loving condemnation when I needed (but didn’t always want) it.

So if you are struggling with life and unsure how to interpret and receive the messages this weekend, know you aren’t alone.  

And that it’s not so much the setting, the preparations or the traditions around it, as beautiful as those may be.

It is the power of the Holy Ghost helping you receive personal inspiration from heaven.  And that is always easier if we listen for the love. 


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