Raise the praise!


The last two weeks of school can get a bit crazy.

Some kids mentally have already turned in their books and projects and are choosing to opt out of the remaining classwork. 

Some kids are excited and planning summer adventures.

Some kids are feeling anxious because school is their most consistent and safe place.

Some kids are sad they will be missing friends and trying to avoid classes.  

Most kids are celebrating the thought of more sleep and no assignments.  

So naturally we are seeing an uptick in behavior issues.  

Today our principal sent out a simple reminder that would be a great motto for us all.  

“Raise the praise.  Minimize the criticize”.

Most people already know what they are failing or struggling at.  

Constant nagging and criticizing  is like tearing the scab off a wound repeatedly and wondering why it not only won’t heal,  but is creating deeper scars. 

We need to think about our conversations and words and look for ways to build one another up. 

There is already an abundance of tearing down happening.  

And besides that, we get more of what we focus on. 

Elder Rasband recently shared these truths.  “Unfortunately, words can be thoughtless, hasty, and hurtful. Once said, we cannot take them back. They can wound, punish, cut down, and even lead to destructive actions. They can weigh heavily on us.  

On the other hand, words can celebrate victory, be hopeful and encouraging. They can prompt us to rethink, reboot, and redirect our course. Words can open our minds to truth.”

Be the difference.  Give it a try.  

Raise the praise.  Minimize the criticize.  


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