
 Hard work.

Sometimes while we are still in the process, we lose sight of the dividends.

The rewards that simply can’t be replicated in any other way.

A presentation well done,  an honest paycheck, cash for a reward you’ve been working toward, a beautiful yard or home, a clean space, knowing you’ve helped someone, food on the shelves, a good grade on a test, a melody to share with others, a fit body, a positive relationship with loved ones, and an infinite number of other possibilities.

It must require our effort and it may not look “fun” or “comfortable” along the way, but it will bring blessings.

Bishop J Richard Clarke testified that work is a principle of God and has been since Adam and Eve were sent from the Garden of Eden and told they would be working for their own bread.  “But most important, the Lord knew that from the crucible of work emerges the hard core of character.”

This week hard work has looked like George helping our neighbor split all his wood and in return having our wood rack filled for many evenings around the fire pit all summer.  

And our first radishes from the garden.

Our world goes to great efforts to avoid work.  But nothing can take it place.


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