Strawberry Jam

I was cleaning out my pantry the other day and came across some sure-jell I had purchased at the end of the season last year. Like 99% of the population, homemade strawberry freezer jam is a delicacy I adore. So yesterday, while he was out running errands, I asked George to text me the price on strawberries so I could make a batch or two. There was a solid deal so I told him to go ahead and get 10 packages. Only they were the 2 lb packages so suddenly I had 20 pounds of strawberries to use very quickly. It also put me a bit over on my grocery budget. Nothing I couldn’t handle, but just a bit frustrating. This morning when I got up, there was a message on Facebook that quickly caught my attention. My good friend battled and beat breast cancer only to then be assaulted by new lesions in her brain. In her post she simply said that she hadn’t been able to get the berries to make her freezer jam this year and could she buy some from an...