

Today is Father’s Day.

The phrase that keeps echoing in my mind is one I heard a sobbing young teen boy repeat over and over again.

He had just found out that the courts had ruled he would not be allowed to have physical contact with his father.

With tears streaming down his face he repeatedly exclaimed, “Kids need their dads!”

How true that is!  

But dads also need their families.

Elder James E Faust declared, “In terms of giving to fathers love and understanding, it should be remembered that fathers also have times of insecurity and doubt. Everyone knows fathers make mistakes—especially they themselves. Fathers are in need of all the help they can get; mostly they need love, support, and understanding from their own.”

Take the time to say thank you, I love you, I believe in you, I forgive you.  

And if you are not able to do that for any reason- hurt, death, disappointment, or a myriad of other factors, turn to the perfect Father we all have.

Our Heavenly Father who knows and loves us perfectly.  Who guides and teaches, who disciplines and loves.  

A Father whose arms are always open and is always ready to help us come closer to Him.

Kids need their dads.

And we all need our Heavenly Father. 


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