I Like Your Jesus


A couple months ago, our home was the host site for the cast party after the musical.  

In preparation for 85 teens to descend upon us I prepped food and cleaned and tried to make our home inviting.

But it still gave me the normal sense of anxiety at opening our space to many people.

Try as I might, I will always see this as a source of vulnerability and judgement.  

But I’m getting better at it!

The day before the party, some other parents stopped to drop things off and one mom came inside and introduced herself.  As she looked around she commented on several things and I could feel my nervous energy creeping up.

But then as she looked up, she smiled and said, “I like your Jesus!”

I glanced at the Christus statue atop my shelf and thought, “I like my Jesus too.”

And I was filled with a peace and warmth.  

Dozens of times since that day at moments that feel hard, imperfect or frustrating I have had that thought go through my head.  

I like my Jesus.  

I love my Jesus.

And He loves me.


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