Never Fall Away


In Alma chapter 23, the sons of Mosiah preached to the Lamanites.

The law was declared that the word of God could not be obstructed.

Note that the law did NOT say that everyone had to embrace and follow it, but their synagogues and temples and homes should be open to them.

And then in verse six, something stuck out to me.

Something that applies to our day.

“They were converted unto the Lord and never did fall away.”


That sounds  like an important need in our day.  

My immediate question was HOW? 

So I read more closely.

Verse 7:

“For they became a righteous people; they did lay down the weapons of their rebellion, that they did not fight against God any more, neither against any of their brethren.”

  1.  They became a righteous people.
  1. They did lay down the weapons of their rebellion.
  1. They did not fight against God.
  1. They did not fight against their brethren.

So what does that mean for us? 

  1. BECOME a righteous people.  Be willing to change.  Add the better.  A step at a time.
  1. Lay down our weapons of rebellion.  What is my go to weapon? Rationalization, resentment, arrogance? Elder Bednar cautioned, “To set aside cherished “weapons of rebellion” such as selfishness, pride, and disobedience requires more than merely believing and knowing. Conviction, humility, repentance, and submissiveness precede the abandonment of our weapons of rebellion. Do you and I still possess weapons of rebellion that keep us from becoming converted unto the Lord? If so, then we need to repent now.”
  1. Don’t fight God.  Let Him prevail.  Embrace gratitude- for we know that all good things come from God.  Elder Bednar expounded, “Conversion is an offering of self, of love, and of loyalty we give to God in gratitude for the gift of testimony.”
  1. Don’t fight with others.  Limit, prevent and stop contention.  Work more on my own improvement of faults and less on calling out others for theirs.  Give grace.  Be kind. Look for goodness first! 

I am grateful for the wise counsel in the scriptures, even when, or perhaps especially when, the words call on me to do better.

But the reward- to never fall away- means to always have the assurance of God’s love and presence.  


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