

As I was riding a bike down the former train route along the Idaho-Montana border, I had hours to quietly reflect and appreciate the lush mountain landscape extending around me as far as I could see.  

I was in a prayerful state, open to the promptings of the Spirit.  

At one point I came to the edge of a meadow and needed to sit and rest for a bit.  

There I found a lovely rustic bench made from a tree right there in the forest. 

And it occurred to me how often the things we need are right there in our lives around us.

The people, the resources, our talents and gifts.

Psalm 34:8 lovingly promises “O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him”.

He will provide.  

And as we learn to recognize that help, we will become more grateful and happy. 


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