

I was reading through some previous journal entries and it suddenly occurred to me that I have only ever thought about innkeepers in the context of Christmas.

Yet the man who was beaten and left to die on the road to Jericho was helped by the Good Samaritan and taken to an inn where his bill was paid.  

But I have never thought about the innkeeper in that story.  

The one who would have been helping treat his wounds and providing extended care.  

The one who provided safety and space for healing. 

Often times Jesus is the Good Samaritan.  He has picked me up and led me to innkeepers in spiritual and physical terms.  

Of course there have been seasons where that care DIDN’T seem to be provided and the gift of hindsight has helped to soften the hurt edges and to lend grace and understanding to others as I am more aware of how my prickly edges made serving me harder at those times.  

There have also been seasons where I needed to learn and go through things on my own to discover my strength.

But we have also had an abundance of times when people have offered us spiritual shelter and belonging.  

A hug when things are hard, loving and caring for my kids while I was on bed rest, rides to medical appointments, housing provided, dinners, laughter, helping put up walls for bedrooms, groceries and meals delivered, offers for rides for kids, vehicles lent to us, dinner swaps. gift cards and money, the oil changed on my car, taking us out for pizza, blankets and tears, cards, calls, texts, laughter, tears, listening, helping with weddings and parties, flowers, razors (that’s a funny story), going to my kids ball games, FORGIVING me over and over again. 

If you are one of my innkeepers, thank you with all of my heart.  

In Luke 10 we read a short mention of the innkeeper: And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee.

“Take care of him and I will repay thee”.

Think of that coming from our Savior.

I have always thought of how to be like the Good Samaritan.  

To notice and get people to be cared for.

But today I realize we are also called to be innkeepers .  

To take care of each other.  

One day at a time.

One act of service at a time.  

In what ever ways we are able in our circumstances. 


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