
 My thoughts have been kind of scrambled this morning.

I actually woke up with the National Anthem playing on repeat in my head….

Those are days it’s harder for me to focus and I lean toward “go through the motions.”

But as I was reading my scriptures this morning (literally staring at words as they swam around the page) a question came into my mind. 

Am I asking God to rescue me, or strengthen me? 

Do I want him to just do it for me?

Or help me to gain strength, knowledge and experience and BECOME more than I am.

When I arrived at school, I pulled out my daily checklist and began to prepare for my day with renewed focus. 

Inside a stack of papers I found a folded note that a student had left for me.

“Sometimes we just need to be our own hero.”

It’s what I needed to read.

The best heroes have the greatest mentors and coaches of all.  

And there is no better coach than Jesus Christ.

He pushes me to be better and grow, because He believes in me.

And He believes in you. 

Through our weak things, He can make us strong.

But only if we step up to the plate and become our own hero.

One small step at a time.


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