

Doing a routine checkin with teen boys about their upcoming weekend plans I encountered this situation.

“Okay guys, five minutes left.  You can finish the last problem or sentence you were working on and use the time to connect with your friends.”

“S. what are your plans for the weekend?”

He smiled and looked at me while poking his friend in the ribs with the edge of his iPad.  “Sleep and video games!”

“What about you, R?”

“I’m going to help my sister do the angel tree at Walmart.”

I smiled.  “What a cool thing to do!” 

He stopped and lowered his voice a bit.  “It’s important to my sister and usually our family does it but my dad lost his job, that’s why we didn’t do Thanksgiving this year.  So he can’t give her money so I’m using mine to still help her with that.  He slowly raised his eyes and made eye contact.  Do you think that’s okay?”

I looked at this 12 year old  kid in front of me with the funky hair cut and baggy jeans.  His grades aren’t the best and he struggles in school. Many don’t see through the exterior he shares as he finds his place in this world.

I quickly swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded my head.

“It’s not only okay, it’s a beautiful part of your heart you are sharing.  Don’t ever lose that.”

The bell rang and he gave me a fist bump and then chased after a friend down the hall.

President Thomas S Monson shared these words.  “I extol those who, with loving care and compassionate concern, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and house the homeless. He who notes the sparrow’s fall will not be unmindful of such service.”

My young friend did not let his own circumstance prevent him from using what little he did have to bless not only his little sister, but another who would receive the gift.  

I have no doubt that the Savior will indeed be very aware of a young boy helping his sister choose an angel off the tree.


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