Church People


Today as I was driving my friend to church, I also needed to stop and pick up her two little granddaughters as well.

As we pulled up to the house and the girls stepped out onto the porch and caught sight of me the 5 year old shrieked in joy, “Hooray!! It’s church people!!”  

These little girls have been loved on by teachers, strangers and teenagers alike. They know that although church is a new experience for them it’s also one of love.  What a wonderful world it would be if all ha this same experience! 

As I was was driving them back home after church, the 2 year old piped up from the backseat, “Sister Potter..”

“Yes, Sweetie?”

“I just love you.”

Jesus Christ says we are all invited to come unto Him.

And we are given that sacred and special gift to reflect his love back to others.  

President Bonnie D Parkin said it this way, “Thank you for being instruments in the hands of God to bring about this great work. May you feel God’s love in your lives and may you share that love with others.”

And tonight I thought about all that my Savior does for me and I found myself saying “Jesus….”

And in my mind I could hear him saying back, “Yes, Sweetie?”

“I just love you.”

And that is what Christmas is all about.


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