Do You Still Love Me?


The 12 year old girl in front of me dropped her eyes as she came into my classroom.

She has had a rough life.

And she has let some of those difficulties allow her to give up and make some very poor choices.  This had been a week of back-to-back events.

On this particular day she was returning from a court hearing and needed a bit of time to decompress before attempting class.

So she came over and stood by my desk and patiently waited as I helped another student. I got him squared away on his math and  I crossed the room and simply waited.

Slowly she looked up and with tears rolling down her cheeks she softly whispered, “Do you still love me?”

Those words at our school usually sound like “I believe in you. You can try again. You messed this up but I still see the good in you.”

She is hard, so very hard.  

But I absolutely saw her worth and was able to remind her that it can’t be taken away.  

So I handed her a Kleenex and a pencil and said, “Now, how about we get that test finished before you go to class.”

And she pulled up her chair next to mine and breathed a little easier.  

She had heard the true message of Christmas that the Savior proclaims to us all.

You are loved.


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