For Such a Time As This

 It is easy for me to sometimes think of Esther and her incredible mission and her father Mordecai pleading with her “and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”.

But what if that question is just as true for the little moments as the big ones? 

Perhaps I was sent for moments like ringing bells with teen girls in the Kroger parking lot.

For laughing and singing and dancing and saying “Merry Christmas!” as many times as we could.

For helping chubby little fingers drop coins in as we reassured young parents that their few coins would add to the whole and bless others.

For singing along with the most enthusiastic young man who wanted to sing with us.

For nodding in agreement when the man pushing the carts back in paused and said, “I guess if telling a lonely old man Merry Christmas makes a difference it’s the least we should do.”

Perhaps you are exactly where you need to be to make a little difference too.  

For such a time as this.


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