
 Last night I was working on a little project with a nativity set and had almost finished when I realized that I couldn’t find Baby Jesus.  

Frustrated, I went back through each piece of the miniature set but Jesus simply wasn’t there. 

Grumbling to myself about how Amazon could have sent me  a nativity with no Jesus, I remembered hearing a small thump when I first opened it.

Getting down on the floor and shining a light under the loveseat where I had been working,  I found the tiny resin crafted image of the infant Savior in a manger.

It instantly brought to mind one of my favorite Christmas messages produced by the church where a young girl looks for Jesus in a similar fashion and helps her family refocus on Christ. 

It also reminded me of a question- Is there room

in your heart for the Savior?

And the Holy Spirit gently affirmed that my love for Him is enough, I just needed that gentle nudge.

In Mosiah 27:37 I read this morning, “And thus they were instruments in the hands of God in bringing many to the knowledge of the truth, yea, to the knowledge of their Redeemer.”

And I knew this was what I needed to share.

Take the time to find and focus on and thank your Redeemer. 

For He loves you with an infinite and incomprehensible love! 

He truly is our reason, not just for the season, but for everything. 

And we are his.


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