Boiling Over

 I was talking to a close friend recently and she mentioned that as her husband made dinner, the pot of spaghetti had boiled over.

Instead of being frustrated by the mess, she had the inspiring thought that even though it had boiled over, the family would still be fed.

I’ve thought of that several times this week as I have seen dozens of ways - from tiny to cringeworthy large- that boil-overs have happened in my own life and those around me.

Some were actually in my control.

Many were not.

Words in frustration, messy situations, burnt chicken (that at least sort of fed my family), student and coworker situations bubbling into my own space, my own procrastination, medical difficulties, parental fears for children, gospel doubts, self-worth doubts, marriage and relationships, financial obligations, and many more.

But with the wisdom of my friend’s observation, I watched for the ways that within those difficulties good efforts still brought results.  

Apologies and hugs, second tries, prayers and love, quiet conversations, families fed, reaching out for help, faith built, one step at a time.

Our imperfect efforts still bless our families, ourselves, and others.  

Elder Vern  Stanfill echoed this sentiment.  “As we accept the Savior’s invitation to come unto Him, we soon realize that our best is good enough and that the grace of a loving Savior will make up the difference in ways we cannot imagine.”

A pot that boiled over can still feed a family.


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