
 Edgar’s Rescue in Australia was contacted by a hiker who had stumbled across a woolen beast in the forest. 

It is estimated this sheep had somehow survived for as long as 5 years in spite of his massive fleece which had even grown to cover his eyes,  making him essentially blind. 

The rescue got to work and straight away removed that heavy fleece - all 88 pounds of it!  The sheer (no pun intended) weight alone had been creating immense pain for the animal. 

Once that encumbrance had been removed, within 24 hours their new friend was frisking about jumping and playing with gratitude. 

Never forget that part of the Shepherd’s role is not just to remove and make great things from healthy and beautiful fleeces, but to get rid of the old and harmed, matted and dirtied and to make room for new growth again. 

Repentance is such a gift!

Sister Ann C Pingree testified, “He pronounced: “Yea, verily … , if ye will come unto me ye shall have eternal life. Behold, mine arm of mercy is extended towards you, and whosoever will come, him will I receive.” His promise invites us not only to reach towards Him but also to take the all-important next step: to come unto Him.  This is such a motivating, cheering doctrine. The Messiah extends His arm of mercy to us, always eager to receive us—if we choose to come to Him. When we do come to the Savior with “full purpose of heart,” we will feel His loving touch in the most personal ways.”

Come.  Call.  Pray.  Reach out.

Let the Savior lighten your load.


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